
44 year-old man

California, USA

Church style:

Bethel Church (Pastor: Bill Johnson)



Have Kids:


Want Kids:



6' 0" / 183 cm


White/ Caucasian


Once in a while


Once in a while

More photos of Peace263
Peace263 story and who Peace263's looking for

Welcome to my profile!

How to describe myself??

I am a son of God, and enjoy taking adventures of intellect, language, emotion, travel, and relationship. I love people, and am virtually endlessly curious about what makes them tick. I love people watching. There are so many cool people in the world, and some legitimately evil jerk-faces. What fun!

I was raised in Northern California, home-schooled, and experimented with many different occupations throughout my 20's, in some sense seeking to to find my purpose.

In 2011 I went to South Korea to teach English to children, and then in 2014 went to China to teach English to university students. From March 2018 to now, I've taken a sabbatical of sorts in Redding, CA, while obtaining my commercial drivers license, trying out trucking, publishing two books, and practicing Mandarin, Korea, and more. I taught English at a technical college in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and am about to wrap up 1st Year Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in April, 2021.

I enjoy being a light and a covert missionary in and to the people and places I go. For instance, I enjoy learning the language of the country I've moved to, then to 'come in low' while learning from their culture and history, and clandestinely bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to people, giving them an encounter with Father God, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit.

I enjoy being content and ambitious, kind and courageous. I highly value authenticity and truth speaking in myself and my relationships. I want to have 4 children, both adopted and original, and will continue to teach and write books for the rest of my life. I'm in the early stages of building a business/life coaching and education company, and running a successful delivery business. Once I finish BSSM, I will likely travel the US looking for a beautiful location to settle down and eventually get into rental homes. I'm involved in the F.I.R.E. movement which are people who value minimalism, getting out of debt, and investing to increase their residual income above their monthly expenses. Ironically, I don't have a great value for money, but I highly value choices, freedom, and people. Many people are often forced to choose between spending time with those they love or making money to fulfill their financial responsibilities. I would do whatever it took to provide for my family, but if I can build enough residual income from publishing books, online business, rental homes, and investments while minimizing expenses to enable me and my future wife to use our time however we see fit and not have to work 9 to 5 jobs if we don't want to, I chose that path because people are more important than almost anything.

I want to eventually pursue my Ph.D and perhaps teach at university level in the United States or overseas, but we'll see how life goes.

I want to marry a lady who enjoys and gives kind and direct communication, who highly values honest communication, including her thoughts, feelings, emotions, choices, preferences, hopes and dreams, expectations and assumptions, and boundaries. A lady who thrives in adventure, whether from travel, living in different countries, learning new languages, is patient, compassionate and nurturing, has a powerful sense of humor, and values growth of intelligence, emotional intelligence, character, and identity and destiny, while cultivating an intimate relationship with Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, is a lady I would like to interact with.

I want a teammate, confidant, conversationalist, friend, and co-conspirator, and romantic lover in our efforts to have fun and remove the obstacles which keep Father God from moving to Earth, wherever that may be. I want to help you feel seen and known for who you are.

If this describes you, I would really like to interact with you, have fun (!), and see what we might learn from one another. I have invested in becoming a man who has a lot to offer my future wife, and children, and though I want to get married and enjoy a good life together, I am happy now being single. After all, if someone isn't happy before marriage, they won't be happy afterwards. Blessings!

(Enneagram: I am a high functioning 8 with a 7 wing, and am Myers-briggs type ENTP. My #1 love language is Quality Time.)

A little about Peace263
Six things I wouldn't want to live without:
  1. Books, Learning
  2. Music
  3. Adventure
  4. Leisure time
  5. Stand-up comedy and explosive squeals of embarrassing laughter. Matt Falk, Brian Reagan, and Jim Gaffigan are probably my favorites.
  6. Intimacy
Details about Peace263

no info provided yet


Bethel Church (Pastor: Bill Johnson)


My faith in God defines me


Not currently involved in ministry


Attend church regularly


North America, South America, Asia, Australia, Africa, Europe

Relocate (Willing to relocate?):


    1. {itemList}
  • {name}
  • {from} {date}